Kenny and I were married this past weekend, on 9/18/2010. It was gorgeous. Here are a few photos from guests (haven't seen the pro photos yet!):
Hair! I loved the way it turned out but it began falling apart almost immediately. It was a problem all night long, so that was unfortunate, however I just rolled with it and had about 50 bobby pins holding it together by the time the night was over!
Walking down the aisle with my dad. I held it together all through the ceremony but later on when my dad was making his speech, I absolutely lost it.
Kiss 1 :D
Kiss 2 :D :D :D
We are really looking forward to the honeymoon, which we leave for this coming Saturday. I am working a short week and so is Kenny, and we both have Friday off to pack!
Thank you to all of our friends and family members who came and celebrated with us. Some of my family came all the way from England, and Kenny's family came from all over NY and as far away as Maryland. We had an absolute blast.
If people actually read this blog, I will keep it up with stories of our adventures as a married couple.